Saturday, August 4, 2007

A Beautiful Day

Today we woke up late, took a walk to the small town of San Lawrenz, and laid by the pool. It was a gorgeous day - about 85 degrees but with a nice breeze. We went to some local shops where the local crafts are sold. I got totally suckered in by a sweet old lady selling her locally hand made lace.

San Lawrenz's claim to fame is through the fact that novelist Nicholas Monsarrat (1910-1979) lived and worked there for four years in the early '70's. His love for the Maltese Islands is reflected in his novel The Kappillan of Malta, which grew out of his experiences here.

Tonight, the hotel had a BBQ buffet for dinner in the "ritzy" restaurant that consisted of swordfish, chicken, and rib eye steak. I must admit that it was a bit confusing to the brain to be sitting on a tiny island in the middle of the Mediterranean while eating BBQ and listening to Italian opera.

Oddly enough, and worth noting, we have not run into any other Americans yet. There are lots of Germans and English, however.

I am posting a few pictures that we took yesterday while on the ferry from Malta to Gozo. The most interesting part of that trip was a group of several men who were attempting to fish from the side of the ferry using a roll of fishing line and some potato chips. We were standing above them and watching the fish go crazy as they threw the chips into the water. I don't believe I have ever seen that on one of our ferries in Seattle!!


Unknown said...

Sounds wonderful....
Do the men fishing realize the chips are kept fresh by the chip clip?
I have a feeling Teresa will be headed over to give her famous chip clip lecture!(WARN EVERYONE!!!)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having a great time,we are having a great time with Riley & Logan,You never know what is going to come out of Logan mouth, he is just too funny,Riley wanted you to know he has read 84 pages in 2 days, he reads 1 hr. a day and NOT 1 hr. & 2 min .They both send Hugs & Kisses and us too.Love You,Mom P.S. Remember the Kate Spade purse? I like it.Do you use it? I took it to the park this morning.Ha

Anonymous said... guys didn't get to go to a ganja bar in Amsterdam?! Too bad! Well, have a terrific time. You should run around the island on a Vespa! I love you! Angelique

P.S. Bill says "Hi"